The Foundation of the Hellenic World has undertaken the work of preserving the personal and family memories of Hellenism and presenting them to the future generations of Greeks. Through the personal and family history of every refugee, from Asia Minor, Black Sea, Eastern Thrace or Constantinople, we reconstruct the character of Hellenic presence both within and outside the present day borders. >>>
Cultural and Genealogic Digital Collections
  • Central Macedonia >>>
  • Attica >>>

Genealogy tree questionnaire

The questionnaire reflects the structure of the family tree with the refugee as the main focus. To fill it in is very simple and care should taken so that the information is accurate and written exactly as it is indicated in the guidelines.  >>>

Be a volunteer

The Genealogy Programme is based upon and appreciates voluntary work for the distribution and completion of Communication Forms and Genealogy Trees Questionnaires.  >>>

Social Message  

After the Catastrophe. Asia Minor Refugees in Greece in the Interwar Period

This book presents in documented and easy to understand way the presence and historical development of the Asia Minor refugees in Greece in the period between the two World Wars.  >>>

We Were Children Then... Reminiscences of Asia Minor Refugees

The documentary is divided into thematic units, introduced by the actress Olia Lazaridou. At the same time, they provide the historical framework and the social conditions of every period, so that the testimonies can be easily understood by the spectators.  >>>

Offices: 39 Poulopoulou street, 118 51 • Telephone: +30212 254 5000 • Fax: +20212 254 3838
Cultural Centre "Hellenic Cosmos": 254 Pireos street, 177 78 Tavros • Telephone: +30212 254 0000 • Fax: +30212 254 0123.